Boulder Electric Vehicle and Coritech Services have demonstrated bi-directional DC fast charging, making Boulder Electric Vehicle the 1st electric truck company ever to successfully implement Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) charging.
Boulder EV and Coritech Services revealed their solution to V2G charging utilizing Boulder EV’s 100% Electric Flatbed Utility Truck equipped with a Lithium 72 kWh battery pack and a Coritech 60kW DC Fast Charger System. Current demonstrations are seeing charger rates of 150 amps during charge or discharge on the 360V nominal battery pack.
V2G is one of the key applications of smart grid technologies which will help realize the economic value of mass deployment of electric vehicles. Communication and management between the utility, vehicle and charge points are essential aspects in achieving V2G. Boulder Electric Vehicle offers a wide range of medium and heavy duty fully electric vehicles ideally suited for today’s progressive fleet. Coritech Services offers DC Fast Chargers capable of bi-directional charging and discharging.
The system developed has been based on the interface specification for the SPIDERS Phase II program and was implemented, developed and finalized independently by Boulder Electric Vehicle and Coritech Services. Southwest Research Institute will be supplying the grid aggregation service between the Coritech EVSE and the grid.
Due to the success of this turnkey system, the companies are working toward a demonstration late summer 2013 at Fort Carson. This demonstrated solution supports a larger vision of the Department of Defense in the mass scale deployment of Electric Vehicles.