The City of Paris and Groupe Renault today announce their intention to share their expertise and skills to develop electric mobility for Parisians, Ile-de-France residents and visitors.
This partnership will result in short, medium and long-term actions in favour of the development of connected and autonomous electric vehicles.
As a first step, Groupe Renault will gradually roll out a commercial offer of electric mobility for Parisians, Ile-de-France residents and visitors, starting in September 2018:
– An electric VTC offer via Marcel from Groupe Renault;
– An offer of self-service car-sharing electric vehicles accessible 24/7 and without stations;
– An offer of self-service electric vehicles in carsharing loop, for longer journeys, accessible 24/7 from Renault or partner car parks.
This offer will be based on Groupe Renault’s 100% electric range: ZOE, Twizy, Kangoo van Z.E and Master Z.E. By the end of 2019, they will represent a fleet of 2,000 electric vehicles.
In a second phase, the City of Paris and Groupe Renault wish to initiate an open working group, associating major cities and companies, whose aim will be to think collectively about the integration of changes in mobility in the city.
This global initiative for sustainable mobility will be a space for dialogue, expertise, experimentation and acceleration of the development of new mobility services, as close as possible to citizens’ expectations and uses.
It will draw in particular on the expertise of the C40 network, which brings together some 100 cities around the world and is currently chaired by Anne Hidalgo.