GSC Logistics was the first to haul a commercial cargo using an electric semi over the Diablo Mountain Range through the Altamont Pass, with their BYD 8TT heavy duty electric truck.
The BYD 8TT delivered its zero-emission cargo from Port of Oakland to Tracy, CA. It then picked up a return load back to the Port. The truck easily maintained 55 mph up the 8% grade through the Altamont Pass. Upon its return to Port of Oakland, the truck’s battery still had about 40% State of Charge (SOC), which is plenty of reserve for additional operation throughout the remainder of the work day.
As the largest motor carrier at the port, GSC hauls about 120,000 containers of cargo across Northern California and Nevada annually. They manage 200 owner-operated trucks each day and currently operate five company trucks, including three BYD 8TT electric trucks that were grant funded by CARB.
“BYD has proven itself to be a great partner,” said Brandon Taylor, Director of Transportation at GSC Logistics. “And our drivers really love the electric trucks.”
By utilizing battery-electric trucks, companies like GSC can lower their operating costs while significantly improving air quality through the elimination of pollution caused by diesel trucks. In addition to the cost, environmental and health benefits that come from converting to clean battery-electric technology, there are a number of other benefits for their drivers, including clean, quiet and smooth operation.
“This is a major milestone in electric trucking.” said John Gerra, BYD Motors Director of Business Development. “We’ve now proven that BYD electric trucks are ready for the next phase of hauling cargo greater distances with true zero-emissions.”