As the ‘sunset period’ for the Greener Vehicle Discount comes to an end on June 24th, Nissan is offering owners of older hybrid vehicles which are no longer eligible for free entry into the London Congestion Charge zone, yet another reason to go all-electric with an additional £500 deposit contribution when taken with 3.99% APR Representative PCP.
All orders placed for the 100% electric new Nissan LEAF during June and registered by 30th June will be eligible for the additional deposit contribution.
With the introduction of the Ultra-Low Emissions Discount (ULED), replacing both the Greener Vehicle Discount and Electric Vehicle Discount on 1 July 2013, drivers of vehicles emitting between 75g and 100g/km were given a ‘Sunset period’ until 24 June 2016 to continue driving into the Congestion Charge zone for free. From 25th June, all vehicles emitting more than 75g/km CO2 must pay the daily charge of £11.50 – or up to £2,898 a year. Only ultra-low emission cars or vans with CO2 emissions of 75g/km or less that meet Euro 5 standard qualify for the ULED. At 0g/km CO2, Nissan’s full LEAF range is eligible for the 100% discount.
Under this new offer, the Nissan LEAF 24kWh Acenta is currently offered on a 2 or 3 year PCP deal with 3.99% APR Representative. The recently-introduced LEAF 30kWh, with up to 155-miles of range on a single charge, is also available on PCP.
The Nissan LEAF is the best-selling EV in the UK with its size, comfort and performance all well-suited to urban environments. In addition to its zero emission benefits, the Nissan LEAF also offers running costs four times cheaper than that of a conventional combustion engine and up to 40 percent savings in maintenance costs.
Edward Jones, EV Manager, Nissan Motor (GB) Ltd said; “When the Congestion Charge zone was introduced in 2009, hybrid vehicles were considered the ‘green’ option for getting into central London for free each day. At the end of June though, many of those drivers will be waking up to a bit of a ‘hybrid hangover’, facing ongoing costs of almost £3,000 a year to drive those same cars into the Congestion Charge zone.
“Just like Transport for London, and the government, Nissan believes all-electric vehicles are a better mode of personal transport for urban environments. They’re quieter, don’t produce harmful emissions and you can even enjoy free charging and free parking in some parts of the Capital, all whilst saving £1000s a year in running costs when compared to early hybrid models.”