More and more transport and logistics companies are considering the purchase of an eTruck. However, it is often difficult for customers to see whether an eTruck can actually cover the usual application profile of conventional trucks in the fleet. For this reason, FUSO is now creating further transparency for potential new customers of the all-electric FUSO eCanter light-duty truck when entering e-mobility.
Effective immediately Daimler Trucks’ “eTruck Ready“-App is now available in key eCanter markets such as Germany, France, Netherlands, UK, Portugal, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Spain, Switzerland, Italy and Austria.
The “eTruck Ready” app is free of cost and enables customers to determine, which operating profiles and routes are suitable for an eCanter. The smartphone app records the driving routes of a conventional vehicle: It captures speed, acceleration and altitude profile along the route. Important parameters such as the payload and the outside temperature can be added afterwards by fleet managers in an individual web portal. From this data, the program generates the respective range and expected power consumption of the FUSO eCanter. This creates a realistic usage profile for customers.
The eTruck Ready App is part of the holistic e-consulting approach developed within Daimler Trucks. Since 2020, Daimler Trucks has been assisting potential Mercedes-Benz eActros customers clarify their electrification potential with the use of the app. As the app is now compatible with the eCanter, FUSO further strengthens its leading presence in the field of CO2-neutral transport. The App is available for iOS and Android in the respective stores.
With the launch of the eCanter in 2017, FUSO has claimed its stake as a pioneer and leader in electric trucks, working towards providing sustainable, CO2-neutral transport. In line with the sustainability strategy of Daimler Trucks, FUSO leads the commercial vehicle industry into the future and aims to have all new vehicles in the Triad (Europe, North America, and Japan) “tank-to-wheel” CO2-neutral by 2039. The eCanter thereby plays a significant role toward achieving carbon neutral transportation, with the ongoing movement toward carbon neutral societies addressed by various governments in European countries. Customers are now operating more than 200 vehicles in daily operations worldwide.