PG&E and Efficient Drivetrains Incorporated (EDI) unveiled two fuel-efficient work trucks that promise innovative operation and the use of ground-breaking technology.
One has the potential to eliminate the need for planned outages and lessen the impact of unplanned ones; the other allows for the operation of a bucket and other auxiliary systems without requiring noisy engine idling.
The vehicles, developed by EDI in partnership with PG&E, feature a plug-in electric hybrid drivetrain that combines 30 miles of all-electric driving with 300 more miles of driving range. The result is a Class 5 work truck that reduces emissions by 80 percent compared to conventional vehicles.
One of the trucks can provide up to 120 kW of exportable power, enough to power a neighborhood while repairs are being made by electric crews. To put this technology in perspective, nearly 80 percent of the transformers in PG&E’s service area are 120kW or less, meaning that the vehicle’s exportable power capacity is “right-sized” for PG&E’s needs.
The second truck comes with Altec Industry’s electric power take-off (ePTO) technology, which allows operation of the bucket and other auxiliary systems without needing to idle a noisy diesel or gasoline engine at a jobsite.
In addition, these vehicles are the industry’s first to also offer both parallel and series hybrid modes, allowing the vehicle to maximize fuel efficiency in both highway and in-city driving conditions.
PG&E estimates that each EDI truck will save the utility over 850 gallons of fuel per year.[wzslider height=”400″ lightbox=”true”]